3D Printed Wargaming Accessories
STL Files
New 'Improved' Sabots
Infamy, Infamy!
Terrain Features
Game Aids
What a Cowboy
Far East
28mm Building Kits
Oosterbeek Villa 03 (STL file)
Oosterbeek Fences (STL file)
Oosterbeek House E (STL file)
Oosterbeek House D (STL file)
Oosterbeek Villa 02 (STL file)
Oosterbeek Villa 01 (STL file)
Window Shutters (STL file)
Oosterbeek Semi Detached Houses (STL file)
Oosterbeek House C (STL file)
Oosterbeek House B (STL file)
Oosterbeek House A (STL file)
Sabotag3d will be taking a holiday from March 15th to March 30th. Any orders taken during this peiod will be processed on, or shortly after, March 31st. Thank you for your understanding.